paintings 11

A conventional apparent reality. Cooshay-hermit and a light breakfast before entering the shunyata. In addition, a lot of vitamin C against esoteric exaltation. Zinc sulfate against aggressive hallucinations. Condensed coriander oil against false insights and false paths. Electrolytes against mental illness.
Buddha located in Śunjata, walking down Abramowskiego Street in Lodz, sees a man abusing and killing a child. The Buddha, without stopping, passes by and walks away.
Cooshay-a hermit finding himself in Śunjata-meets Buddha. Together they disintegrate into emptiness. For each of them it is the same emptiness.
For the mind residing in Śunjata, in absolute reality, the chair is seen without qualities - an object in itself. Neither a chair, nor wooden, nor brown, nor for sitting. Although at the same time, in conventional reality, the same chair exists as an illusion - a wooden brown chair for sitting.
An object in conventional reality, unlike an informen in Śunjata reality, has properties; these properties exist in pairs to form dualisms (heavy-light, fast-slow, etc.). The dualisms are immaterial. They exist in time. In Śunjata reality, there are entities that are qualitatively different from entities in conventional reality - informen. Informen (a thing in Śunjata, devoid of property, existing without time) has a qualitatively different entity than an object in conventional reality. Informen does not have dualisms.
Red shoe - noumen seen from a shunyata perspective. Conventional reality is contained in the reality of shunyata; shunyata reality is contained in the reality of noumenia ( the reality of noumens); noumenia reality is contained in conventional reality. From the perspective of the mind, all the realities are contained and permeated by each other. Beyond the mind, the reality of noumenia - shunyata and conventional reality do not exist as reality. They exist as noumens.
Yellow Shoes. Whatever appears in the Emptiness is not yet a noumen. It is only an object without form - I gave it the name informen (Latin: informe; devoid of features, form). Thus, the "things without form" occurring in the Emptiness are informen. However, informen is not a noumen ("thing in itself"), since it is still experienced by the mind. Nor is it an object, since it is devoid of property for the mind. Both the object and informen manifest partial properties of the noumen. However, the object contains more qualities of noumenu than informen. In the image, the object, informen, noumen are presented in order.
In the mind located in Śunjata, the conscious inner Self is inactive, there is no observer - only the external reality is present, reflected in the mind as in a mirror: clouds in the sky, trees, people walking, cars passing by, grass - objects available in the field of vision. There is no one in the mind, the mind is an absence. To the question of who I am, the answer is very simple - that which exists outside.
The reality of Śunjata permeating the entanglement and intertwining of conventional reality. Firmly planted in Śunjata, the meat on the bone neither tears into the future nor drags in the past. In Schiller's passage, the meat on the bone moves without purpose, without reason, without meaning. It just is. Without thoughts. Without feelings. Similar to others in stationary time. Without character. Without gender. Without a name. The reality of Śunjata is marked in orange.